At Clear Creek Surgery Center we meet the unique needs of children in our nurturing comfortable environment. We encourage children to bring along a favorite toy or blanket to help them feel more at home. They may be more comfortable arriving in their sleep clothes as well.
Prior to arrival at Clear Creek Surgery Center, we encourage parents to discuss the surgery with the child to help alleviate unnecessary stress. Parents are able to stay with heir child until surgery and may rejoin the child as soon as it is appropriate.
It is best if two adults accompany a child when traveling home, so one can drive while the other cares for your child during the trip.
Please leave all valuables at home.
Notify your physician immediately if there is any change in your physical condition (i.e. fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or respiratory infection). Prior to Surgery, a nurse from Clear Creek Surgery Center will call you at home. The purpose of this call is to obtain a brief medical history and baseline information about your health and medication usage so that we can take better care of you or your child. This call also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.